5 Easy Tricks for Dogs

You may love passively watching your dog run around a field, or having them snuggle by your side on a cold evening, but one of the great joys of dog ownership is honing the communication between owner and pet. There’s few better routes to doing this than teaching and practicing new commands!

a beagle sitting up for a treat from it's owner

Signs that Your Dog is Overheating

With summer’s heat in full swing, its important to consider the comfort and safety of your dog. Not all dogs are equipped for long stays in intense heat and sunlight, and heat exhaustion can lead to serious ailments if not treated, like cardiac arrest. But how can you tell if a dog is overheating? Here are some tips for identifying heat exhaustion in a dog, and ways to prevent it in the first place.

dog sitting in the grass panting (more…)

How to Choose the Right Dog

faces of dogs from several breeds
If your like most, you’ve wanted to own your own dog since you can remember. The ultimate companion for a human, dogs are often painted with a rose-colored tint, as owners expect an animal to make their life better in every way.

While it is often true that our new pets improve our lives, not all animals are perfectly suited for a given owner. Adequate food, veterinary care, and exercise are some ways to nourish a positive relationship with your pet, but there’s another way to turn the odds of getting a good match in your favor: pick a compatible breed! (more…)