Is Your Dog Chewing Everything?

Does your dog have a chewing problem? Do you come home to tattered furniture and mangled socks? You are not alone, because destructive chewing is actually one of the most common problems between young dogs and their new owners.

beagle chewing a shoe laying on green grass

Lucky for you, the scale of the problem means that effective solutions have been developed and tested over time. So, try these following steps, and stop your dog from destroying the house!

Keeping Your Dog Warm in Cold Weather

While many dogs are well-equipped to handle harsh temperatures, they aren’t completely different than us when it comes to winter’s chill. Some painfully cold days are simply too intense for a dog to go outside, no matter the breed or length of coat. Like humans, dogs will sustain frostbite and hypothermia when left on ice for too long.

Feeling uncertain about taking your dog out into the cold day? Here are some tips for avoiding danger, and keeping them extra warm if a journey into the chill is necessary.

Dogs playing in the snow. one dog is wearing a sweater. (more…)

5 Things That Dogs Cannot Eat

Any dog owner will tell you that most dogs live to eat, and this mantra spreads far beyond their own food. Certain human foods, like carrots and boneless chicken, cause no danger or discomfort for a dog. Other items, however, are call for concern when consumed by your pet.

dog in front of a plate with a chicken leg on it

Here’s a list of 5 foods your dog should never consume.


Steps for Bringing a New Dog into Your Home:

In our hearts and minds, we tend to consider pets as extensions of the family, often before we even meet them. Our fantasies of snuggling and runs around the neighborhood with a new dog can cloud our understanding of them as a creature with specific needs and anxieties.

Pets come with their own baggage, but that doesn’t mean a little proactive work can’t ease an animal’s transition into your home. Follow these six steps and make your new dog’s homecoming a little more enjoyable for all parties.

a house cat putting a paw on a dog's nose (more…)

Does your dog have bad manners?

These are the top behavioral issues with dogs and how to correct them

Does your dog exhibit destructive or annoying behavior? Fear not, you are not alone! Most dog owners go through at least some period of adjusting negative behavior in their dog, and it’s more than possible to scrub bad habits from an animal’s personality. Here is a list of six common behavioral problems found in dogs, and some explanation on how to solve them. (more…)