When it comes to house cats diabetes is a pretty common occurrence. Be that as it may, dealing with a cat with diabetes is no easy job, it requires you to pay extremely close attention to your cat’s diet, medication, exercise, and general activities. So be sure not to take it lightly as there is little room for error.
First and foremost you should always be sure to keep in close contact with your veterinarian as they prescribe insulin doses and will help determine what course of action you should take. They should be the first ones to know if you notice something wrong with your cat. Your cat will also need more frequent examinations and check ups. Appetite and water consumption are two of the biggest things you should closely monitor as they are telltale signs if your cat needs a change in dosage.
It’s also very important to pay attention to your cat’s diet. To treat their diabetes you need to modify their diet along with giving them insulin. Diabetic cat food should work just fine as long as you keep track of how much you give them according to your cat’s needs. This goes for cat treats as well, you should try to keep the treat giving to a minimum so as to not disrupt their diet. A good way to keep track of how much to give them and when to do so is to set a reminder in your phone or write it on a post it note and put it somewhere that you’ll be sure to see it.