Ages & Stages of Dog Development

Puppies can be a lot to handle, especially if you’ve never had a dog before. Knowing more about their development cycle is instrumental to raising a well-behaved, furry friend.

group of dogs
While the exact amount of time in each stage might differ, the consensus is that dogs, as puppies, generally move through five different stages of development before reaching full maturity and adulthood. These stages are: (more…)

How to Train You Dog to Walk on a Leash

Does your dog make leash walks difficult? Do they stop frequently, tug in every direction, or recoil when you attempt to put them in their harness? Leash walks are not second nature for all dogs, but often the only safe and legal option for talking your dog outside. Here are some tips for making leash walks seamless!

holding a leash with a dog in a field (more…)

What Does it Take to Foster a Dog

What Is Dog Fostering?

Fostering a dog can be a very different experience between people. However, whether seeking a trial run for future adoption or simply giving back with short term care for shelter animals, fostering is not something to enter into lightly.

dog in a kennel

With a little research, it is possible to determine whether fostering a dog is a good choice for you. Here are some thoughts and guidelines that will bring you closer to an answer and help you get started if fostering still seems like a good fit. (more…)