5 Things That Dogs Cannot Eat

Any dog owner will tell you that most dogs live to eat, and this mantra spreads far beyond their own food. Certain human foods, like carrots and boneless chicken, cause no danger or discomfort for a dog. Other items, however, are call for concern when consumed by your pet.

dog in front of a plate with a chicken leg on it

Here’s a list of 5 foods your dog should never consume.


Speaking Canine – What Does It Mean When Your Dog Does…?

Dogs are incredibly emotive creatures, often exuding emotion and energy similar to that of their human mates. But because we don’t speak canine, it’s not always easy to tell what our pups are trying to say. While we can’t teach you to speak dog fluently, follow this guide for help translating your pet’s actions into words:

white dog biting a black telephone (more…)

How to Choose the Right Dog

faces of dogs from several breeds
If your like most, you’ve wanted to own your own dog since you can remember. The ultimate companion for a human, dogs are often painted with a rose-colored tint, as owners expect an animal to make their life better in every way.

While it is often true that our new pets improve our lives, not all animals are perfectly suited for a given owner. Adequate food, veterinary care, and exercise are some ways to nourish a positive relationship with your pet, but there’s another way to turn the odds of getting a good match in your favor: pick a compatible breed! (more…)

Allergies – Dogs May Suffer Too

Many people don’t realize that their dogs, just like human beings, can suffer from allergies. In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from one allergy or another, with flea allergy dermatitis being the most common form of allergies in dogs. Other types include atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and inhalant allergies. (more…)

Adopting a Dog

There are lots of ways that people choose a new family dog. Some may search the newspaper for advertisements from breeders who are selling new puppies; others find breeders via listings on the internet, while still more may simply purchase a puppy from a local pet store. Perhaps the best method, however, in terms of being helpful to society in general is to adopt a dog from a local animal shelter. (more…)