Jun 30, 2018 | Health and Sanitation, Pet Care
With summer’s heat in full swing, its important to consider the comfort and safety of your dog. Not all dogs are equipped for long stays in intense heat and sunlight, and heat exhaustion can lead to serious ailments if not treated, like cardiac arrest. But how can you tell if a dog is overheating? Here are some tips for identifying heat exhaustion in a dog, and ways to prevent it in the first place.
Mar 14, 2018 | Health and Sanitation, Pet Care
There’s no debating that all dogs need time outside. Apart from regular bathroom breaks, dogs
benefit physically and mentally from the stimulation of leaving the house. Frequent walks can
trim unwanted fat and improve heart health. Exercise allows for socialization that can improve a
dog’s demeanor. Walking can also benefit a pet’s mental health, reducing anxiety along with
unwanted behaviors, like chewing and barking.
But exactly how often should you walk your dog? There’s no golden rule to follow, as many
circumstances influence your dog’s exercise needs. Here are some factors to consider when
designing your pet’s perfect program: (more…)
Sep 25, 2017 | Health and Sanitation
Dog Waste is not the predominant or most toxic pollutant in urban streams, but it is one of many small sources of pollution that can cumulatively have a big impact if left unmanaged. The New Jersey Department of Health has estimated that there are over 500,000 dogs in the state. Add to this figure cats and other smaller pets, and a significant volume of waste is being generated daily.
Dog Waste contains bacteria and parasites, as well as organic matter and nutrients, notably nitrogen and phosphorous.
In addition to these diseases, the organic matter and nutrients contained in Dog Waste can degrade water quality. When Dog Waste is washed into a surface water body, the waste decays. This process of breaking down the organic matter in the waste uses up dissolved oxygen and releases ammonia. Low oxygen levels, increased ammonia and warm summer water temperatures can kill fish. (more…)
Jun 28, 2017 | Health and Sanitation, Pet Care
Pets, while lovable and home-warming, come with their fair share of messes and smells. Here are some quick tips to clean up after your pets! (more…)
May 28, 2017 | Health and Sanitation, Pet Care
Being a pet owner is never easy. While pets bring us joy and companionship on a daily basis, they also require training, veterinary care, time, love, attention, and even tolerance. Tolerance is especially necessary when a pet owner is allergic to his or her companion animal.
Studies show that approximately 15% of the population is allergic to dogs or cats. An estimated one-third of Americans who are allergic to cats (about two million people) live with at least one cat in their household anyway. (more…)
Apr 14, 2017 | Health and Sanitation, Pet Care
When choosing the type of dog food to feed your dog, you need to consider his age, breed, your dog’s activity level and also his health condition. For instance, puppies and older dogs will have different types of nutritional needs and you need to ensure your dog or puppy has sufficient consumption of these nutrition for a long and healthy live. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy. (more…)