Ages & Stages of Dog Development

Puppies can be a lot to handle, especially if you’ve never had a dog before. Knowing more about their development cycle is instrumental to raising a well-behaved, furry friend.

group of dogs
While the exact amount of time in each stage might differ, the consensus is that dogs, as puppies, generally move through five different stages of development before reaching full maturity and adulthood. These stages are: (more…)

Speaking Canine – What Does It Mean When Your Dog Does…?

Dogs are incredibly emotive creatures, often exuding emotion and energy similar to that of their human mates. But because we don’t speak canine, it’s not always easy to tell what our pups are trying to say. While we can’t teach you to speak dog fluently, follow this guide for help translating your pet’s actions into words:

white dog biting a black telephone (more…)

How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

There’s no debating that all dogs need time outside. Apart from regular bathroom breaks, dogs
benefit physically and mentally from the stimulation of leaving the house. Frequent walks can
trim unwanted fat and improve heart health. Exercise allows for socialization that can improve a
dog’s demeanor. Walking can also benefit a pet’s mental health, reducing anxiety along with
unwanted behaviors, like chewing and barking.

2 boys walking a golden retriever

But exactly how often should you walk your dog? There’s no golden rule to follow, as many
circumstances influence your dog’s exercise needs. Here are some factors to consider when
designing your pet’s perfect program: (more…)

Walking Your Dog During Winter

A healthy dog lifestyle includes regular exercise. While this is easy in the warmer parts of the year, walking and exercise your dog in the winter can present some challenges. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind for walking your dog in a winter wonderland:

 a dog wearing a hooded winter coat
