Allergies in Pets

Being a pet owner is never easy. While pets bring us joy and companionship on a daily basis, they also require training, veterinary care, time, love, attention, and even tolerance. Tolerance is especially necessary when a pet owner is allergic to his or her companion animal.

Studies show that approximately 15% of the population is allergic to dogs or cats. An estimated one-third of Americans who are allergic to cats (about two million people) live with at least one cat in their household anyway. (more…)

Choosing The Right Dog Food

When choosing the type of dog food to feed your dog, you need to consider his age, breed, your dog’s activity level and also his health condition. For instance, puppies and older dogs will have different types of nutritional needs and you need to ensure your dog or puppy has sufficient consumption of these nutrition for a long and healthy live. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy. (more…)

Common Household Dangers

Many common household items can pose a threat to animal companions. Even some items specifically meant for pets could cause health problems. To protect your pet, simply use common sense and take the same precautions you would with a child. Although rodent poisons and insecticides are the most common sources of companion animal poisoning, the following list of less common but potentially toxic agents should be avoided if at all possible: (more…)

Dog Obesity

No doubt you’re aware of the statistics on obesity in humans, but it may surprise you to know that our dogs are similarly afflicted. Over 40% of pet dogs are obese, and many people aren’t aware of the harm it does to their much loved pet. Research shows that dogs that have a healthy body weight will live up to 15% longer than an overweight animal. (more…)

Dog Waste Poses Threat To Water

For as long as the dog has been man’s best friend, dog waste has posed a menace to man’s nose and foot. Now science has revealed a more unsavory truth: It’s an environmental pollutant.

In the mid-1990s, scientists perfected methods for tracking the origin of nasty bacteria in streams and seawater. From Clearwater, Fla., to Arlington, Va., to Boise the trail has led straight to the hunched-up dog — and to owners who don’t pick up after their pets. (more…)

Ten Tips to a Poison Safe Household

Dogs are very inquisitive. Sniffing, smelling, and usually tasting almost anything in sight are natural behaviors for a dog. For that reason, we commonly see dogs ingest items that are not their food and at times can be very dangerous poisons.

There are two major areas where such danger may occur: inside the house, and outside of it. These areas are different in terms of what types of poisons the dog may be exposed to. In the house, dogs usually get themselves in trouble when they are bored. Outside it’s usually the dogs’ curiosity that endangers them. (more…)